Not Feeling 100% ?What You Eat Can Make You Sick Without You Knowing It!
Len Goodman Perth Naturopath, Allergy Testing, Nutritionist Perth Nutritionist Link Perth Naturopath Link Perth Allergy Consultations Link Allergy Consultations Online

Allergy Consulting
What We Do

Many foods trigger INTERNAL reactions, straining even a healthy body and contributing to serious health problems..... 

You would NOT even realise that food reactions are happening because the reactions occur INSIDE the rash or itchy skin would appear to warn you that something is wrong. 


Unique, Nutritional Health Assessments

Checking general body organ function, such as the skin, sinuses, lungs, liver, thyroid, bowels, etc., 
Assessing a wide range of nutritional levels - as well as many other elements such as enzymatics, hormones and possible heavy metal presence to see if deficiencies or imbalances exist and what we can then do to help....


Individualised Food Planning Strategies (Nutritional Plan or Diet) 

Testing over 125 foods, environmentals and other elements individually, to work out a nutritional plan or diet to SUIT YOU, based on YOUR possible intolerances, sensitivities and / or allergies....... 

Treating the causes this way, instead of treating only the symptoms of feeling unwell, can help make you feel greatly improved overall, more quickly, for much longer.

How We Help You

We use an individualised, multi-faceted approach:

Nutritional levels are checked

Are there any deficiencies - (mineral and other) - existing in the body? (Many deficiencies can exist without one realising it.) As we grow up, our nutritional needs change. If we don't keep pace with these changes we get sick...over time we become sicker - this leads to chronic disease. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR REQUIREMENTS ARE?

Body organ function is assessed

Which body organs are working well ......and which are not working well? (Very often body organs not functioning very well can go un-noticed for a long may just feel "off color" or simply "not feel 100%")

Foods are tested individually

125 FOODS are INDIVIDUALLY tested to work out a FOODPLAN / DIET specific to the person concerned comprising: intolerances, sensitivities and allergies. No standard bloodgroup diet sheets are handed out. Do you know what YOUR food reactions are.... Have you ANY idea the harm that they could be doing to you,.... right now?

Nutritional supplementation (individually assessed)

This is optional. We recommend them to be used in areas of need according to YOUR test results ..some people show more deficiency in certain areas than others. We recommended them for speedier results. Maintenance programmes are worked out to suit each individual, once optimum levels of health are reached. We help take the guesswork out of what you "think" you need, versus what the body actually requires. Self medicating can be an expensive waste and can even be more harmful to you if you take prescribed drugs for certain illnesses. Not all multivitamins are the same. Some people even react to multivitamins. Therefore, supplementation is selected from expertise, experience and qualification to SUIT THE INDIVIDUAL client to get results.

The nutritional supplements we provide are of a high quality and potency and are not available over the counter.


Consultations are all personally assessed

Saliva Testing

Is used with the most encouraging results. To save time saliva testing kits can be mailed to you beforehand.

*** Please note: We do not test for anaphylactic reactions.***